غير مصنف

James Jeffrey: Donald Trump administration has failed to achieve its goals in Syria

The former US envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, acknowledged the failure of the administration of former US President Donald Trump to achieve three goals in Syria, namely, to ensure the withdrawal of all Iranian militias, defeat the organization of a country completely, and find a political solution to what he called the “conflict” that is entering its tenth year.

On the other hand, Jeffrey provided advice to US President-elect Joe Biden, regarding dealing with the Syrian issue, which is to continue to pressure Iran and Russia to stop the war and put pressure on Bashar al-Assad and put him under control.

Jeffrey added that if the United States fails to reach a compromise that includes Iran’s withdrawal from Syria, then there must be a “temporary strategy that lies at least in preventing them from winning.”

Jeffrey explained that the US forces and the international coalition that they lead in Syria “are not only fighting a state organization, but also preventing Assad from gaining ground.”

The former envoy noted the existence of a “broad alliance” supported by the United Nations and the European Union against the Assad regime, noting that Russia and Iran “inherited a failed state in a quagmire” and in order to break out of this impasse, they will be forced to negotiate and make concessions.

Jeffrey said about the Israeli strikes in Syria, that the only way to stop these operations is the withdrawal of Iranian and Iranian-backed forces from Syria, considering this an unquestionable request.

A US State Department source announced that “Joel Rayburn” who was serving as Jeffrey’s deputy, will take over the mission and will continue in the same approach that the previous envoy followed.

It is reported that James Jeffrey resigned from his post as special envoy to Syria on November 7, during the appearance of the results of the primary presidential elections, which showed Biden winning over the current President Trump.
Source: Agencies

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