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The Political Body of the National Coalition discusses the results of the fourth round of the Constitutional Committee

Yesterday, the political committee in the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, headed by Nasr Al-Hariri, discussed the results of the fourth round of the Syrian Constitutional Committee meetings.

Nasr Al-Hariri said that there are developments in the political process, and stressed the need for the United Nations to open the rest of the baskets contained in Resolution 2254, noting, “During the periodic meeting of the Commission, we discussed the latest political and field developments in Syria.”

Hariri added, “There is a great consensus in the vision between the National Coalition and Washington on many files, especially the political process and the Caesar Act.”

He stressed the need for a solution to establish a transitional governing body within the political process represented by the Syrian Constitutional Committee, and to establish free and fair elections, far from Bashar al-Assad running for power again.

For his part, the co-chair of the Constitutional Committee, Hadi Al-Bahra, touched on the talk about the withdrawal of the Assad regime’s government delegation, after a speech delivered by Dr. Haitham Rahma, and his return under pressure from the United Nations.

Al-Bahra added that during the meeting, they presented a series of documents on the basic principles of the new constitution, such as equal citizenship rights, separation of powers, and independence of the judiciary, as well as Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons.

In a press conference held at the United Nations office, the UN special envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, said that the fifth round of the Constitutional Committee will be held on January 25 next.

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