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Learn about the new Covid strain and how it arises

The rapid spread of the new coronavirus strain has raised the level of restrictions on mixing among millions of people as they prepare to celebrate the Christmas holidays.

The new situation prompted a number of countries to ban travel to and from Britain, whose authorities imposed the fourth level of measures to combat the Corona virus.

However, how did the new strain of the virus evolve within months from the nonexistent stage to becoming the most common form of infection in England.

Health officials in Britain believe that this new strain is more likely to spread than the first strain, and although things are still in their infancy, mystery shrouds them and raises a long list of questions.

And more than 40 countries have banned arrivals from Britain due to fears of the spread of a new strain of Corona virus.

And suspended flights from Britain to a number of countries around the world, including Spain, India and Hong Kong.

The member states of the European Union are currently participating in a meeting in Brussels to discuss a coordinated response between them, as officials suggest the possibility of imposing a condition for testing all people coming from Britain.

Source: BBC

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