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Pederson: There is no timetable for ending the negotiations of the Syrian Constitutional Committee

The UN envoy for Syria, Geir Pederson, said yesterday, Sunday, in a press conference held at the headquarters of the United Nations office in Geneva, that the meetings of the Constitutional Committee The fourth in Geneva will start today Monday, stressing that there is no final date nor a clear timetable regarding the talks of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

He added that he conducted a tour in the region prior to the start of the fourth round of talks, indicating that this round was in pursuit of progress in the Constitution Committee He expressed his hope that the fourth round talks would be comprehensive and useful.

He added: “My mission is to lead the negotiation track to the elections on the basis of a new constitution,” revealing that “the constitution negotiations will be discussed in the next January round.”

He stressed that “reaching An agreement on detainees and detainees is a condition for the progress of the negotiations. ” The last week of August witnessed negotiations that lasted a week in Geneva between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime. To some commonalities that can be built upon. Representatives of the Syrian Negotiating Committee in the Constitutional Mini Committee held their first physical meeting in Geneva at the United Nations headquarters in preparation for the first session of the fourth session of the meetings of the Constitutional Committee.

Following up the discussion of the agenda of the third session, which stipulated the discussion of the national foundations and principles in accordance with the mandate of the Constitutional Committee and its procedural rules. It is mentioned that the Syrian Constitutional Committee held 3 rounds, the last of which was a round last August, after months of interruption due to lack of agreement on the agenda, The Corona epidemic spread, but all previous rounds did not result in any progress due to the lack of seriousness of the Assad regime in discussions.

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