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James Jeffrey: The Russians realize that they are sinking into the “Syrian quagmire” and we will keep the pressure on them

The former US envoy to Syria James Jeffrey confirmed that Russia is mired in the “Syrian quagmire”, and that the American pressure on Moscow will continue until a comprehensive settlement is reached to Syria.

Jeffrey said in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper: “The Russians are drowning in the Syrian quagmire, and they are well aware of this, and this is what happened with us in Vietnam,” indicating Washington’s determination to put pressure on them constantly.

Jeffrey explained that his country provides “necessary support” to Israel in its efforts to prevent Iran’s “positioning” in Syria and that “the Israelis, with our help, have succeeded in preventing Iran from establishing a second situation such as” southern Lebanon “in southern Syria and preventing the threat of Israel and other countries with a long-range missile system, Pointing out that Iran’s militias must exit in “any final settlement.”

Jeffrey pointed out, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, that American forces are deployed east of the Euphrates and support the Syrian Democratic Forces to defeat ISIS, adding: “Through our presence on the ground and in the air, we want to deprive the Assad regime, Russia and Iran of controlling the territories there and in Al-Tanf.

Jeffrey noted that he is “sure that the Assad regime will not return to Idlib because of the Turkish army. He has about 20 thousand soldiers, and maybe 30 thousand there, and they (the Turks) have the ability to prevent the Assad regime from going to Idlib, ”pointing to Ankara’s support from America, NATO and Europe for its presence in northwestern Syria.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Jeffrey stated that he had “advised” the administration of President-elect Joe Biden to continue the policy pursued by President Donald Trump’s administration in Syria.

Jeffrey considered that this policy was “successful” firstly because we did not make any of the mistakes of the Barack Obama administration, and we used all the elements of power in our possession, including the military force. “Adding that we did not sit and watch (our red lines) were exceeded in front of our eyes and did nothing while Assad regime used chemical weapons ”at the end of 2013.

Source: Agencies

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