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In his first steps.. the U.S. president-elect heads to the White House

In his first steps, the American president-elect heads to the White House
Today, Monday, US President Joe Biden took the first steps towards the White House, where the electoral college will vote today in the United States for the positions of president and vice president, according to the results of the elections that took place in the past.

The electoral college consists of 538 members, and according to the results of the vote, it is expected that the majority will be in favor of Biden with 306 votes compared to 232 for Trump.

The electoral college consists of 538 members, and according to previous results of the vote that took place, the majority was in favor of Joe Biden, with a difference of 306 votes to 232 for Trump.

The results of the electoral college vote must be approved by the two chambers of Congress, and a joint session of the Senate and the House of Representatives is expected to be held on January 6, during which the electoral votes will be counted.

In the final stage of the elections, the president must be inaugurated, who will take the oath on January 20 and assume office.

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