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After the outbreak of fires, the Response Coordinators team appealed to the humanitarian organizations to improve the conditions in the camps in northern Syria

Yesterday, Sunday, Syria’s response coordinators appealed to the humanitarian organizations to improve the basic conditions in the camps located in northern Syria, in order to mitigate the ongoing damage such as weather factors and the spread of the Corona virus within them.

The response coordinators added that new fires broke out in the northern Syrian camps in the towns of Kelly and Tal al -Karama in the northern countryside of Idlib, as a result of the use of cooking stoves and the burning of heaters.

The statement indicated that the number of fires within the camps rose during eight months to 74 cases, in addition to dozens of tents affected by rain and wind storms during the last period, and the high temperatures in the summer as well.

New fires broke out in the camps for the displaced in the towns of Kelly and Tal al-Karama, in the northern countryside of Idlib, on Sunday.

The displaced in the camps scattered in most of the liberated areas suffer from great dangers, most notably the frequent floods and winter storms every year, and the fires due to the use of primitive heating and cooking methods, amid constant appeals to humanitarian organizations to alleviate suffering and provide protection and means of heating.

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