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The American Electoral College officially announces the victory of Joe Biden for the presidency of the United States

Today, Tuesday, the American Electoral College officially announced that Democratic candidate Joe Biden has won the post of President of the United States of America, to be the 46th President of the United States.

For the first time, the Turkish delegate, Derya Tashqin, entered the 538-member electoral college in the United States and took part in the vote.

“As we have done throughout history, it is time to turn a new page,” Biden said after announcing his victory in Wilmington.

He added that American democracy is still strong despite the “assaults” of outgoing President Donald Trump, and pledged to be president of all Americans.

In January, the results of the Electoral College vote for re-approval will be discussed during a session of Congress chaired by US Vice President Mike Pence.

All 538 voters in their states are meeting to cast their ballots for US President, based on election results by all 50 states, and Washington, DC.

The presidential candidate needs to win a majority of the electoral college votes to secure access to the White House.

It is reported that Joe Biden won the 59th presidential election that was held on November 3, with the votes of 306 delegates, while US President Donald Trump had won the votes of 232 delegates.

Source: Agencies

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