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Assad Regime Foreign Affairs: Britain bears the responsibility for the suffering of Syrian people

The Foreign Ministry of the Assad regime said in a statement: “Britain and some of its officials bear full responsibility in matters related to the humanitarian situation in Syria,” according to its claim.

The statement added that the new British envoy to Syria, Jonathan Hargreaves, ignored in his statements, “the main reason for Syrians suffering in the current situation, which lies in the aggression that shed blood of Syrians and destroyed their achievements.”

The Foreign Ministry of the Assad regime attacked the new British envoy to Syria, stressing: “They are surprised by the hypocrisy, false allegations and distortion of facts by the British envoy to Syria regarding the humanitarian situation in the country.”

The statement indicated that “Britain was one of the main parties involved through its support for non-governmental groups (revolutionary factions)” .

He continued, “The British envoy ignored the economic sanctions imposed on the Assad regime by the United States and the European Union, which affect Syrians in their lives and subsistence and constitute a flagrant violation of the principles of international humanitarian law and the most basic human rights.”

the new British envoy to Syria had prevoisly said on his Twitter account, “I saw by my self how this dangerous conflict is a great human tragedy before any other consideration, and has devastating effects on many Syrians.”

The German Foreign Ministry previously said in a report, “The Assad regime is carrying out serious human rights violations (arbitrary arrests, mass torture and executions) in Syria.”

Source: Agencies

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