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World Health Organization: A new strain of Corona is spreading in these countries

Today, Sunday, the World Health Organization confirmed that three other countries have detected an outbreak of the new strain of Coronavirus that was recently discovered in Britain.

The organization added, in a tweet on Twitter, “We will continue to brief and inform the member states and the public about the new information, when we get more about the characteristics of this type of virus and any consequences that may result from its appearance.”

Maria Van Kerkhove, an American expert specializing in infectious emergency diseases within the health and civil technical emergency program to confront the Corona pandemic at the United Nations organization, said that Denmark, the Netherlands and Australia recorded one case of the new strain.

Maria warned that the new strain has an increased ability to spread, confirming that studies are underway to reveal the extent of this ability.

she also stressed the need to make every effort to prevent the spread of the new strain, explaining that the larger the outbreak of the virus, the greater the risk of new mutations emerging from it.

Van Kerkhove expressed the World Health Organization’s concern about the emergence of new strains of Corona, stressing that the organization’s experts are continuing to study the new strain with the aim of increasing their knowledge about the ability of the epidemic to change.

the British authorities announced raising the level of epidemiological preparedness in the capital, London and the southeast of England, to the highest level, against the background of the emergence of the new strain of Corona, which Health Minister Matt Hancock admitted today that its outbreak is out of control.

Earlier, Britain confirmed the discovery of a new type of coronavirus discovered in the country. She stated that this strain could be 70% more contagious than usual, so residents should exercise extra caution. the British authorities also noted, that there is no indication that the risk of this strain is greater, in terms of deaths or hospitalization.

Source: Agencies

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