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The National Coalition discusses the latest developments in the Syrian file

Today, Wednesday, the Communities Office of the National Opposition Coalition held a virtual meeting, via video technology, with officials of the Syrian-American organizations, to enhance cooperation and support the political efforts of the Syrian community in the United States.

The meeting was attended by the head of the National Coalition, Nasr al-Hariri, the representative of the National Coalition in the United States, Qutaiba Idlibi, the representative of the National Coalition in the United Nations, Maryam Chalabi, and some opposition politicians in the coalition.

The attendees discussed the new US leadership’s vision of the latest developments in the field and political situation in Syria.

The head of the opposition National Coalition, Dr. Nasr Al-Hariri, said: “More than five million Syrian citizens suffer from harsh and humane living conditions, most of them are displaced.”

He added, “The correct image of the” PYD “militia must be transferred to the new American leadership, and the crimes it is still committing against civilians in the eastern Euphrates regions must be clarified.

Hariri stressed the importance of preparing for all political entitlements, and uniting efforts between all components of the Syrian people and the institutions of the Syrian revolution to face the upcoming challenges and preserve their demands and aspirations.

The head of the opposition National Coalition had previously stated that the delegation representing the Assad regime continues its approach to procrastination and waste time, and spoke about the next round that will be held next January, and stressed the need to open all the baskets included in Resolution 2254, and work on them in parallel alongside the Committee Constitutional.

Source: Agencies

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