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غير مصنف

Qatar Foreign Ministry: The political solution is the only one that will achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people

Today, Wednesday, Qatari Foreign Minister Muhammad Abdul Rahman Al Thani and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov held a press conference in the Russian capital, Moscow, to discuss the latest developments in the Syrian file.

Qatar foreign minister said: “The political solution in Syria is important, as it is the only solution that will achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people.”

He added, “Qatar’s position stresses the importance of adhering to Security Council resolutions,” noting that the Syrians have been suffering since the outbreak of the war in their country.

Qatar minister also affirmed that “there will be only a fair political solution in Syria that fulfills the aspirations of the brotherly Syrian people.”

During the meeting, they reviewed the bilateral cooperation relations, discussed the Syrian issue, and issues of common interest (Russian-Qatari).

The Qatari government had handed over the Syrian embassy building in Doha to the opposition Syrian National Coalition, which Qatar recognizes as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, including Qatar, were the first to recognize the coalition as the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people, in a move to make the Assad regime lose its legitimacy in Syria.

Source: Agencies

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