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Putin and Netanyahu hold telephone discussions on the latest developments in Syria

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu held a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Monday evening, to discuss several matters, including the Syrian file and the recent developments in Syria.

In a tweet on Twitter, Benyamin Netanyahu said: “I spoke by phone with the Russian president and congratulated him and the citizens of Russia on the occasion of the New Year , and we talked about the situation in Syria, developments in the region and the measures required to increase stability in it.”

For its part, the Russian presidency (the Kremlin) issued a statement saying: “Putin and Netanyahu held telephone talks in which they discussed“ urgent issues of Russian-Israeli relations in various fields. ”

The statement added that the two sides “affirmed their mutual determination to strengthen multi-lateral bilateral cooperation, including in the context of combating the spread of the Coronavirus infection,” and explained that during the call, “regional issues were discussed, focusing on some aspects of developments in the situation in Syria.”

It is worth noting that military sites belonging to the Assad regime have been exposed for years to Israeli bombing from time to time, in light of the targeting of military bases belonging to Iran and the militias loyal to it, with the Assad regime concealed about the size of its losses as a result of successive air strikes.

A private Israeli intelligence company published satellite images showing the destruction of four weapons manufacturing facilities in the city of Masyaf in the western Hama countryside, after the area was subjected to a series of Israeli air strikes last Friday morning.

Source: Agencies

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