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Response Coordinators: “Corona infections exceed 20 thousand, and the situation has become alarming in northwestern Syria.”

The “Syria Response Coordinators” team considered, in a statement, yesterday, Monday, that the Corona virus has become alarming in northwestern Syria, with the number of recorded infections reaching 20,000, and about 308 confirmed deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic.

In the statement, the team stated that recording injuries on a daily basis has become a tremendous burden on hospitals and other health centers treating people with this disease, despite the continuous efforts made to control the disease.

The statement added that health care workers have also been greatly affected by the crisis, as the number of Corona virus infections in their ranks reached about 2,648 infections, pointing out that this increases the severity of the problem of lack of human resources and medical supplies in many hospitals and specialized medical points.

The statement pointed out that what is worrisome in the current situation is “the impact of this pandemic on the socio -economic situation,” as the region faces an economic crisis and extreme poverty, and the consequences may be much more serious in terms of lack of water, food and health care, as well as the risk of neglecting other diseases due to Corona, such as malaria, leishmaniasis and diseases. Chronic conditions such as “high blood pressure, tuberculosis, diabetes”.

In the conclusion of its statement, the team called on international agencies and humanitarian organizations to make more efforts by providing the necessary health support to health institutions in the region, to conduct more tests and analyzes to detect cases immediately and work to contain them, in addition to providing the necessary support to the civilian population in the area in The prices of coronavirus prevention materials and supplies remained significantly higher than the ability of civilians to secure them on a daily basis.

It is noteworthy that the “Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory” of the “EWARN Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network” program in the “Support Coordination Unit” recorded, yesterday, Monday, 72 new cases of Coronavirus in the liberated north of Syria, bringing the total number of HIV infections to 2,007 cases, while the number of deaths reached 308 cases.

Source: Agencies

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