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The Russian Refugee Receiving Center announces that no refugees will return to Syria

The Russian Center for the Reception, Distribution and Accommodation of Syrian Refugees announced that no refugee return to Syria has been recorded during the past 24 hours.

The Russian Center said in a statement on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense: No refugees have returned from the territories of Lebanon or Jordan to the areas controlled by the Assad regime during the last 24 hours, indicating that no displaced persons have also returned during the same period to places of residence. Permanent within the Syrian territory.

The statement added that the sub-units of the “Corps of Engineers” in the Assad regime had, during the last 24 hours, “cleared 1.7 hectares of mines” in the city of Douma in the countryside of Damascus, the city of Daraa, and the towns of Othman and Al-Naima in the countryside of Daraa, where 13 explosive devices were discovered and destroyed.

Russia, an ally of the Assad regime, has been seeking for years to obtain the support of the international community in order to launch the reconstruction phase and the return of refugees, while the donors are linking any aid to reach a “political settlement to the conflict.”

Source: Agencies

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