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The World Health Organization stresses the need to prepare for what may be worse than Corona

Yesterday, Tuesday, the World Health Organization stressed the need to prepare for the worst, despite the severity of the Corona pandemic, which has caused more than 1.7 million deaths and tens of millions of injuries within a year.

“It is a wake-up call,” said the director of the World Health Organization’s emergency program, Michael Ryan, at the last press conference this year.

He acknowledged that the virus “spreads very easily and kills humans,” but stressed that “the death rate is relatively low compared to other new diseases,” and stressed the need to “prepare in the future for what might be worse.”

Ryan warned, that this pandemic is very severe and has spread rapidly in various parts of the world and has reached all corners of the planet, but it is not necessarily the worst.

For his part, Bruce Aylward, WHO’s advisor, said at the press conference: “We are in the second and third wave of this virus and we are still not ready and unable to manage it”.

Source: Agencies

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