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غير مصنف

The health system in Idlib is about to collapse with the spread of the Corona virus significantly

The Idlib Health Directorate has warned of a terrible health and humanitarian catastrophe if international organizations do not intervene to limit the spread of the Corona virus in northern Syria.
Dr. Hassan Qaddour, head of the hospitals department in the Idlib Health Directorate, told Fresh Online: “There is a wide spread of Corona virus and it is in a state of explosion during the coming weeks.
He added: “The Idlib Health Directorate is communicating with donors and there are plans at the beginning of next week, and some hospitals concerned with the Coronavirus, such as Sham Hospital and Al-Zeraa Hospital, will be expanded in addition to Carlton Hospital in Idlib.”
“The situation is still under control, and there are still vacancies in intensive care in hospitals and isolation centers,” Al-Qaddour stressed, adding: that the directorate “communicates with donors to address the situation and new matters in this currently spreading epidemic.”
Al-Qaddour stressed: “The need to adhere to taking preventive measures such as wearing a muzzle and social distancing, reducing visits, avoiding crowded places such as popular markets and public places, and canceling parties and sports activities.”
And he asked the responsible authorities to help prevent these gatherings and activities in which a large gathering of people takes place.
Dr. Wasim Zakaria had warned in a post on his Facebook page that the health sector in the region was about to collapse due to the significant increase in the number of Corona virus infections.
Earlier, the directorate indicated that there are currently five hospitals in service dedicated to receiving critical cases from Corona “Al-Zerra, Kafr Tagharim, Sham, Carlton and Jisr Al-Shughour”, while the number of intensive care beds in which there are 71 beds, of which 59 are currently occupied, with an occupancy rate of 83% .
She added: “There are 48 ventilators currently occupied, of which 10 competitors are currently occupied, with an occupancy rate of 21 percent. The wing beds in those hospitals are 168 beds, of which 31 are currently occupied, with an occupancy rate of 18.5 percent, and the number of isolation centers is 15 centers that are in service containing 635. One bed and 99 beds are currently occupied, with an occupancy rate of 15.5%.
The Salvation Government in Idlib issued a statement to take some precautionary measures, in conjunction with the warnings issued by health authorities about the deterioration of the health situation in Idlib with regard to the spread of the Corona epidemic.
The “Salvation Government” called on the ministries and public bodies to close universities and institutes.

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