غير مصنف

United Nations calls for responding the humanitarian needs in Syria and other countries

The United Nations warned in a report, today, Tuesday, of an increase in the number of hungry people in the world during the next year, due to the effects of the Corona virus in countries suffering from conflicts, especially Syria.

Relief official Mark Lowcock explained, during the report, that the health crisis resulting from the spread of the Coronavirus has clearly affected countries suffering from conflicts and natural disasters.

The report added that the United Nations has identified its need for 35 billion US dollars to support the poor during the next year, an increase of about 40 percent over the year 2020, indicating that one out of every 33 people needs assistance to meet basic needs such as food, water and sanitation in 2021, according to the humanitarian report of the United Nations.

According to the report, there are 235 million poor people around the world, concentrated in “Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia,” who need assistance.

The report states that countries awarded $ 17 billion in 2020 for the collective humanitarian response, a record number reaching 70% of people targeted with aid, an increase of 6% compared to 2019.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, said in a statement, “The crisis is not over yet, humanitarian aid budgets are facing severe deficits as the impact of the global epidemic continues to worsen.”

The United Nations warned of the financial situation, as it raised less than half of the $ 35 billion needed to prevent widespread famine, combat poverty, and keep children in school, and called on the rich countries of the world to make additional financial contributions.

The annual appeal by UN agencies and other humanitarian organizations often paints a bleak picture of the growing needs caused by conflict, displacement, natural disasters and climate change.

According to the representative of the World Health Organization in Syria, Akjamal Majtimova, 90% of Syrians live below the poverty line in Syria, and Syria also tops the list of the poorest countries in the world, with a rate of 82.5%, according to World By Map data.

The United Nations stated in recent days that a third of the 6.7 million displaced Syrians lack adequate shelter, and that many do not have sufficient blankets and heating fuel to survive the cold and rainy months, as the price of diesel fuel, which many use to heat their homes, has increased by 21 percent.

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