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Britain announces the start of the vaccination campaign against Corona virus next Tuesday

Today, Sunday, the British government announced that it is preparing to be the first country in the world to introduce a Pfizer vaccine against the Corona virus, this week, at a time The authorities fear that anti-vaccine activists will raise doubts about it among the population.

The British Ministry of Health said that the largest vaccine launch in the history of the United Kingdom will begin Tuesday, with the Public Health Authority giving top priority to vaccinating people over 80 years of age and workers in the field Health care and care home staff and inmates.

She added that initially fifty hospitals in England will be selected to serve as vaccine distribution centers. British Health Minister Matt Hancock described the start of the vaccination program as a “historic moment”. “I urge everyone to do so.” In turn to suppress this virus and follow local restrictions to protect the National Health Service while they do this critical work.

The British Ministry of Health said that the initial doses that arrived from Belgium are stored in safe locations across the country where they will be checked for quality.

A vaccine is required. Pfizer undertakes Cumbersome storage equipment as it must be kept at a temperature of minus 70 degrees Celsius and lasts only five days in a regular cooler.

For this reason, the Ministry of Health said that the vaccine will be given first in 50 hospitals and that defrosting and preparing the vaccine for use takes a few hours.

The Daily Mail newspaper, today, Sunday, reported that high-ranking sources confirmed that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are expected to be vaccinated within several weeks, in response to the advice of their doctors. According to the newspaper, these two older members of the royal family will receive this vaccination publicly from In order to encourage the largest possible number of people to receive it, at a time when the authorities fear that anti-vaccine activists will raise doubts about it among the population.

Britain is the country most affected in Europe by the Corona virus, with more than 60,000 deaths recorded. In total, Britain requested 40 million doses, which is enough to vaccinate 20 million people in the country of 67 million people, and about 800 thousand doses are expected to be available during the first week. Britain topped the global race to start the most important mass vaccination program in history, as it gave approval for the use The emergency vaccine that Pfizer and Biotech developed last week. a time when the authorities fear that anti-vaccine activists will raise doubts about it among the population.

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