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غير مصنف

Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations: The American forces must withdraw from Syria

Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations Majid Takht Rawanji considered that “the presence of American forces in Syria is illegal, and they must leave,” ignoring the presence of Iranian militias in the region.

This came in a speech he delivered during the UN Security Council meeting about Syria, and the latest work of the Constitutional Committee.

“Everyone must fully respect the national sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Syria,” Takht Rawanji said, as he claimed.

He added, “All foreign forces that are present in Syria without the approval of the Syrian government must leave this country, opposing any separatist measures and illegal initiatives of the Autonomous Administration in Syria.”

He explained that his country is fully committed to the political solution in Syria, claiming that “Iranian positions have contributed to strengthening national sovereignty and the integrity of the Syrian territories and reducing the suffering of the Syrian people.”

He stressed that “the Syrian Constitutional Committee must continue its work without any external interference or pressure or artificial deadlines for its activities.”

Iran and its militias, in addition to the Russian forces, have continued to support the Assad regime forces since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, in conjunction with its indiscriminate bombing of residential neighborhoods, which results in victims and injuries among civilians.

Source: Agencies

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