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Erdogan: We want to open a “new page” with the European Union

Yesterday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel that he wants to open a “new page” with the European Union, according to what the Turkish presidency reported.

The presidency said in a statement that during a videoconference with Merkel: “President Erdoan stated that Turkey wants to open a new page in its relations with the European Union, and thanked the chancellor for its constructive contributions and efforts in favor of relations between Turkey and the European Union.”

The presidency added, “Erdogan thanked Merkel for her constructive efforts in improving Turkish-European relations, and assured her of Turkey’s openness to the positive agenda and mutual benefits in order to end the crisis with the European Union.”

He pointed out that, “Relations between Turkey and the European Union in the past two years have become confined to the narrow interests of some countries.”

The leaders called on both the European Commission and the Commissioner for Security and Foreign Policies of the Union to submit a report to the European summit scheduled for next March on political, economic and trade relations between Turkey and the European Union, and the options available on how to proceed, including expanding the scope of sanctions.

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