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Nasr Al-Hariri discusses with a UN official the latest developments in the Syrian issue

The Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Rosemary DiCarlo, called with the head of the Syrian National Coalition, Nasr al-Hariri, today, Friday, to fully implement UN Resolution 2254 on Syria and discuss the latest field and political developments in Syria.

The head of the National Coalition spoke, during a virtual meeting with Representative DiCarlo, via video technology, about the developments of the political process and the results of the fourth round of the work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

Al-Harir said, “The Assad regime continues to procrastinate and waste time to pass the presidential elections that it is preparing for next year. He pointed out that despite setting a date for the fifth round of the constitutional committee meetings, they do not expect it to make any progress.”

Al-Hariri added that it is necessary to start implementing the full implementation of Resolution 2254, and not to be satisfied with the basket of the constitution, but to work on opening all the baskets and working on them in parallel.

Al-Hariri noted that Resolution 2254 is greater than the Syrian Constitutional Committee, and Russia cannot circumvent the implementation of the resolution and reduce it to only one of the four baskets, and considered that the ruling basket bears the essence of implementing the decision, as it includes the establishment of a transitional governing body with full executive powers.

Rosemary expressed her disappointment at the lack of any progress in the work of the Constitutional Committee, and stressed the commitment of the United Nations to the political process in Syria and the full implementation of Resolution 2254, and indicated that she would discuss all points with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres and the International Envoy, Ger Pederson.

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