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غير مصنف

The Syrian government is preparing to held a general conference in the northern countryside of Aleppo

The Syrian Tribes and Tribes Council is preparing tomorrow, Monday, to hold a general conference in the village of Sajou in the northern countryside of Aleppo, at a time when the Syrian tribes are witnessing an increase in the attempts to attract all the actors in the Syrian affairs.

Regarding the goals of the conference, the council’s spokesperson, Sheikh Mudar Hammad Al-Asaad, said, “The conference seeks to unify the goal and vision of the Syrian people, and to work for their solidarity away from nationalities, to strengthen the unity of Syria, land and people.

Work to revive the political course for a solution in Syria in accordance with the Geneva Declaration and UN Resolution 2254 and 2218, and the formation of transitional governance with full powers.

Hammad Al-Assaad added that the Syrian regime trades the card of the Syrian tribes, through its relations with some figures that claim to represent the clans, and the same is the case with the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Al-Assaad pointed out that “the conference stresses the need to liberate the Syrian Jazira and the Euphrates, expel the Syrian Democratic Forces and Iranian militias and the Russian occupation, to ensure the unity of Syria’s land and people, reconstruction and the return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes, and discuss the formation of a national army that includes members of all tribes and clans.”

Al-Assaad noted that the conference will witness the presence of sheikhs and dignitaries from all tribes and clans inside Syria and Turkey.

The Supreme Council of Syrian Tribes and Clans was established in the Turkish state of anlıurfa (south), and several meetings were held in the cities of Urfa and Ankara in preparation for its general conference.

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