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غير مصنف

The Assad regime attacks the German government after the visit of the Syrian Director Civil Defense

Yesterday, Monday, the Foreign Ministry of the Assad regime claimed that the German government is contributing to planning for “aggression against Syria,” after the latter received the director of the Syrian Civil Defense Organization (White Helmets) Raed Al-Saleh.

Pro-regime media quoted an official source in the Foreign Ministry of the Assad regime, accusing the German government of explicit aggression against Syria.

The source added, “It seems that distorting facts, turning perceptions and disinformation campaigns have become essential synonyms for the treacherous war against Syria by enemy states.”

The source in Al-Assad Foreign Ministry claimed that “what was stated in the German Foreign Ministry’s statement about receiving the head of the“ White Helmets ”despite opposition from the German Ministry of the Interior due to this person’s association with“ extremists ”confirms the German government’s involvement in the aggression against Syria, and the provision of support“ to terrorist organizations and the groups attached to it”, according to his description.

The ministry said, in a statement on its official website, that it supports the activities of search and rescue teams that provide assistance in the aftermath of air strikes and natural events such as floods.

“They put out fires and are repairing damaged water supply lines and electrical infrastructure,” the ministry explained in the statement about the White Helmets nature of work. When the fighting escalates, they are arranging to evacuate civilians from the affected areas, and they also provide important information to the public about correct behavior in an emergency and directly provide emergency medical care themselves. ”

Later, the German Foreign Ministry announced that it had provided 5.1 million euros to help the Syrian civil defense organization “White Helmets” in 2020, while the organization’s director, Raed Al-Saleh, described the German support as “Bond for Civilians.”

Source: Agencies

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