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Nasr Al-Hariri: The risks of Corona virus are high and we seek to secure vaccines for every place in the liberated areas

The head of the Syrian National Coalition, Nasr al-Hariri, said yesterday, Thursday, that the coalition is making a lot of efforts to secure Coronavirus vaccines, considering that the political process has not started yet, as a result of the presence of a “disabled party.”

This came during a press conference by Hariri in Istanbul, in which he confirmed that the number of cases registered in the opposition-controlled areas reached 19,000, and the total number of deaths was 299.

He added: “The risks of the Corona pandemic in liberated Syria are high, in light of the acute shortage of cadres, and the Assad regime and its supporters have destroyed health facilities in the region, stressing that securing vaccines is necessary and urgent, and we seek to ensure that vaccines reach everywhere, taking into account the priority of the elderly and workers. Health sector ”.

He continued, “The coalition, with the interim government, started making contacts with the World Health Organization and friendly and brotherly countries to obtain the vaccine,” adding: “It cannot be said when the vaccine will be available, but we are doing our best.”

He touched on the conditions of the camps and the displaced in the northern regions, saying, “Winter is a disaster for the displaced, and there is a great need for the camps.”

The free health directorates in the liberated north, in cooperation with the civil defense, continue to work to take all methods of prevention from Corona, represented by sterilization and awareness campaigns among the people, urging them to apply these methods to protect everyone from the risk of infection with the virus.

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