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Globally.. Corona infections exceed 80 million

The number of Coronavirus infections around the world today, Saturday, exceeded 80 million, and the United States tops the list with more than 19 million and 210 thousand.

According to the “Worldometer” website, which specializes in monitoring Corona victims, the number of infections around the world has reached 80 million 222,603.

The United States of America tops the list of countries in terms of the number of infections with 19 million, 210 thousand, and 166, and in terms of deaths, with 338,263.

India ranked second on the list of injuries with 10 million and 169 thousand and 818, then Brazil was third with 7 million 448 thousand and 560.

Russia ranked fourth with two million 992,706, and France ranked fifth with two million 547,771.

Britain came in sixth place, with two million 221,312 injuries.

In terms of deaths, Brazil ranked second with 190,515, India is third with 147,379 and Mexico is fourth with 121,837.

While the total Corona deaths around the world reached one million and 757 thousand and 985, and the recovered 56 million and 490 thousand and 167.

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