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Turkish Health Ministry: We have not recorded any infections with the new strain of Corona virus

Turkish Health Minister Fakhruddin Kujah said: that his country has not detected any infection with the new strain of Corona virus that was discovered in Britain.

This came in a tweet published by the Turkish Minister of Health on his official Twitter page yesterday, Saturday, about the mutated strain of Corona.

He added, “Our laboratories are examining PCR samples taken from people who have recently come from Britain who have had positive test results, and examining samples collected from different regions of our country using the genetic sequencing method.”

He emphasized: “We have not, until this moment, noticed this strain, neither in the samples taken from the arrivals, nor in the samples collected from different parts of the country.”

A British woman announced earlier, that a new strain of Corona that spreads more quickly was discovered, but it is not more severe than its predecessor, and does not require different treatment.

Several countries suspended flights to and from Britain and imposed additional restrictions on travelers coming from the United Kingdom, after the discovery of the new strain of Corona.

Source: Agencies

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