غير مصنف

The Salvation Government in Idlib issues a new communication regarding vehicles

The “Salvation Government” in Idlib issued a new communication, which it published on its identifiers, yesterday, Monday, regarding setting a deadline for owners of public, private and tourist vehicles And others, to start violating the “non- -registered” vehicle registration in its transportation centers that are spread in several regions in northwestern Syria.

The vehicle, which is considered free at the present time, saying: “In the interest of the Ministry of Local Administration and Services to regulate the movement of vehicles in the liberated areas, and to reduce the financial burden on brothers who own vehicles, the General Directorate continues to register vehicles free of charge until 12/31/2020, Note that legal measures will be taken against the violators. ”

In the communication, the Salvation Government urged all owners to register vehicles in its centers spread in Idlib, Al-Dana, Jisr Al-Shughour and Harim during the aforementioned period, and indicated that Thursday, which was a holiday in the past, should be considered. consideration E official working hours in the current period “to accommodate all the auditors.”

The “Salvation Government” had issued
earlier in the last year (6/1/2020) a decision to demarcate vehicles and exempted citizens from registration fees for a period that was extended later, as these fees were considered Symbolic, and the Minister of Interior justified the demarcation decision by “controlling security and stability, and curbing thefts and kidnappings by knowing their types through family notifications,” according to the Information Office of the Salvation.

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