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Israeli bombardment on sites in the Masyaf area in Hama countryside

Israeli fighter jets launched an attack on positions of the Assad regime forces and Iranian militias in the western Hama countryside, at dawn today, Friday.

The agency “SANA”, speaking on behalf of the Assad regime, said: “The Israeli fighter jets targeted from the north of the Lebanese city of Tripoli the Masyaf area in Hama countryside.

The Assad regime claimed that its air defenses intercepted the missiles and dropped most of them, at a time when Israel did not claim responsibility for this.

And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened yesterday, Wednesday, to continue to confront the Iranian militia’s attempts to position itself in Syria, and promised to “work in any arena and against any target around the world.” This came in a speech he delivered during the graduation ceremony of a group of Israeli Air Force pilots.

According to what was published on his Twitter account.
The Israeli Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi, warned Tehran against taking any hostile action against his country against the background of the killing of the Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, and accusing Tel Aviv of being behind his assassination.

And there are many points that belong to the Iranian militia in Masyaf, and during the past months and years they have been bombed by Israeli fighter jets.

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