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The killing of the media activist Hussein Khattab, known as “Kara Al-Safrani”, in Al-Bab city

Today, Saturday noon, unknown masked men assassinated media activist Hussein Khattab in Al-Bab city in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, while he was preparing a photo report about the outbreak of Corona virus in the liberated north.

Fresh Online Corresponadent said: The gunmen, whose identity was not known, on a motorcycle fired 10 bullets at the victim near the northern cemetery in Al-Bab city, and then fled, killing him instantly.

Hussein Khattab earlier published a post on his official page explaining that he had been subjected to death threats, blaming the Qabbasin district police for failing to perform their duties, after he submitted a complaint to the police, saying: “Four days have passed since trying to have me killed and I filed a complaint against the people who tried to kill me to the police command in Qabassin, which did nothing. I was forced to leave the area and leave my house, afraid for my life.

He added, “If the police cannot enter a camp and arrest those who tried to kill me, what is the benefit of their presence, so I hold them all the responsibility in case anything happens to me.”

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