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Delivery of 100 housing units built of bricks for the displaced in the northern countryside of Idlib

The Turkish Religion Endowment, in cooperation with the Turkish charity “Seekers of Hope,” handed over 100 houses of bricks to the displaced families in the northern countryside of Idlib.

House handover ceremonies were held for the displaced who were displaced by the war machine of the Assad regime and the Russian militias supporting it.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency, “Ismail Yigit,” the Syrian official in the endowment of the Turkish religion, said that they are continuing to implement many relief activities in the region in cooperation with the Association of the Seekers of Hope.

After the house handover ceremony, the endowment distributed humanitarian aid to 250 needy families in the area, which included food, cleaning supplies, heaters and fuel.

The Turkish religion endowment from time to time delivers housing blocks built of bricks after the completion of construction works, since the Turkish President announced the construction of 20,000 housing units for the displaced in the northern countryside of Idlib.

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