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Corona virus infections around the world exceed 70 million cases

Johns Hopkins University of America announced that the number of cases of Coronavirus in the world has risen to more than 70 million, and more than 1.5 million deaths.

According to university data, the total number of infections with the Coronavirus in the world reached 70,131,911, and the total deaths 1,592,795.

The university published data for ten of the countries that recorded the largest number of deaths from the virus.

The United States comes first, with 294874 deaths and 15,834,965 injuries, followed by Brazil with 179765 deaths, and 6,781,799 injuries, then India with 142,186 deaths and 9,796,769 injuries, and in fourth place Mexico with 113019 deaths and 1,229,379 injuries.

Britain came in fifth place with 63,603 deaths and 1,814,395 injuries, while Italy ranked sixth with 63,387 deaths and 1,805,873 injuries, followed by France in seventh place with 57,671 deaths and 2,405,210 injuries.
Iran ranked eighth with 51,727 deaths and 1,092,407 injuries, followed by Spain in ninth place with 47,624 deaths and 1,730,575 injuries, then Russia ranked tenth with 45,370 deaths and 2,574,319 injuries.

It is noteworthy that several countries around the world, at the beginning of this month, began receiving vaccines against the Corona virus, produced by international companies, including the American company “Pfizer” and “Bio NTech” Germany.

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