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Erdogan: We will implement economic measures to reduce the negative repercussions of the Corona virus

Turkish President RajabTayyip Erdogan said that Turkey will implement a number of economic measures to reduce the negative repercussions of the Corona virus on the country’s economy.

In a speech after the Turkish government’s meeting in the capital, Ankara, on Monday, Erdogan revealed that “aid will be provided to pay rents worth 750 liras in major cities and 500 liras in smaller cities for craftsmen and professionals for three months.”

He added that he would provide material support of 1,000 Turkish liras (about $ 126) to more than one million people, for a period of three months.

He also announced the imposition of a comprehensive curfew, which begins at nine o’clock in the evening on Thursday, December 31, 2020, and ends on Monday, January 4, 2021, at five in the morning.

Erdogan reassured Turkish citizens and investors, saying: “We will implement a campaign to improve the exchange rate of the Turkish lira, and that tens of thousands of factories have been opened in the time of the epidemic,” noting that “Turkey leads Europe in the size of economic growth.”

He stressed that “Turkey is at a level that will satisfy all investors thanks to the diversified production and logistical facilities, the dynamic workforce and the incentives provided,” stressing that he noted the positive effects of measures aimed at combating the spread of Corona, “and we will succeed in reducing inflation to single digits as we succeeded in doing so previously.”

Erdogan pointed out that “the Turkish economy is ready for all kinds of strict tests and different scenarios.” He said, “Turkey has the ability to provide all investors with the necessary support thanks to its strong banking system,” stressing, “The Turkish government’s endeavor to attract direct international investments to the country in addition to the flow of portfolio Investment.”

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