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Washington imposes sanctions on Turkey over the S-400 system

The United States of America imposed new sanctions on Turkey after it bought the Russian-made S-400 air defense system.

And US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced, in a press statement, on Monday, that sanctions were imposed on Turkey under the Katsa Act, which allows the imposition of economic sanctions on any entity or country that signs arms contracts with Russian companies.

Pompeo said, “The measures taken clearly confirm that the United States will not be satisfied with important exchanges with the Russian defense and intelligence sectors,” stressing that the United States will not tolerate those who deal with the defense and intelligence sectors in Russia.

He called on Ankara to solve the S-400 problem in coordination with America, especially since the United States considers Turkey an important regional security ally and partner.

For its part, the Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned its rejection of “unilateral” US sanctions, and said that it calls on “the United States to reconsider the unjust sanctions decision and to return to this grave mistake.”

For his part, the Russian Foreign Minister said that “the US sanctions on Turkey are another manifestation of arrogance against international law.”

The sanctions include banning all export licenses, freezing assets and restricting visas to the head of the Turkish Defense Industries Corporation, Ismail Demir, and its employees.

The United States considers this Russian deal with Turkey, a member of NATO, as a threat to the defenses of Western countries.

Source: Agencies

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