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The National Opposition Coalition meets with the German Consul General in Istanbul to discuss developments in the Syrian file

The head of the National Coalition of Revolution and Opposition Forces, Dr. Nasr Al-Hariri, met with the German Consul General in Istanbul, Johannes Reichbrecht, via video technology, on Wednesday, to discuss the latest developments in the Syrian file.

Speaking about the results of the fourth constitutional round of the Constitutional Committee, Dr. Nasr Al-Hariri said: “The delegation representing the Assad regime continues to obstruct the work of the committee, and continues to delay business to provide the appropriate time for the illegal presidential elections.”

He added that it is necessary for the international community to move across the spectrum to activate the work of the Constitutional Committee, which belongs on the basis of United Nations Resolution 2254.

Hariri called for increasing the provision of humanitarian and relief support to civilians in the liberated north of Syria, supporting the medical sector to contain the Coronavirus, supporting the Syrian Interim Government, and enabling it to manage these areas.

The meeting was attended by Ruba Habboush, Vice President of the Opposition Coalition, the Coordinator of the Department of Foreign Relations, Abdel Ahad Astifou, and a member of the Political Commission, Abdullah Kado, in which they discussed several points to improve the humanitarian situation in Syria.

Source: Agencies

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