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United Nations: The Assad regime is delaying the work of the Constitutional Committee to earn more time

The United States of America said on Wednesday that the Assad regime is delaying the work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee to buy more time, while it prepares to hold “rigged” presidential elections in 2021, and does not give any importance to the political process that Washington began.

The permanent representative to the United Nations, Kelly Craft, confirmed in a series of tweets on “Twitter” during a session on the developments of the situation in Syria, and said that “her country and the international community” will not recognize the Syrian elections as legitimate if they are not in line with UN Resolution 2254.

Kraft pointed out, “The only way to achieve peace and stability in Syria is for the Assad regime to support the political roadmap stipulated in Resolution 2254,” stressing that Washington “will continue to oppose any attempts by the Assad regime and its allies to bypass Resolution 2254.”

Kraft added, “The international community will not allow the Assad regime to impose a military victory on the Syrian people through illegal presidential elections without political reforms.”

Kraft said that the Assad regime must participate in a meaningful way in the political process and stop placing more barriers in the constitutional committee meetings that are scheduled to be held on the 25th of next month.

She explained that “while the Constitutional Committee process is under way, the United Nations and the Security Council must also redouble efforts to make progress on the other elements of Resolution 2254,” warning that no tangible results will be achieved to implement Resolution 2254.

Kraft noted that one of the basic elements to achieving lasting peace in Syria is to strengthen the interrogation of those who committed crimes in Syria.

Kraft considered that the failed economic policies of the Assad regime are causing increasing losses to the Syrian people, and she promised to allow the United Nations to reach all parts of Syria without hindrance, so that it can meet all the humanitarian needs of every person in Syria.

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