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A UN official warns of the impossibility of assessing the Corona outbreak in northern Syria

After the recent increase in Coronavirus infections in northern Syria, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock warned, saying: “It is impossible to assess the extent of the virus outbreak.”

This came in the current session of the UN Security Council about the political and humanitarian developments of the crisis in Syria.

Mark Lowcock confirmed that the number of Coronavirus infections reported in schools more than tripled during the month of November.

He explained that international humanitarian law requires all parties to allow the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need and facilitate this.

Lowcock added, “The Syrian regime issued instructions two months ago to a humanitarian organization in northeastern Syria to stop the distribution of food aid before the matter was resumed at an earlier time.”

He called on international donors to provide winter aid to Syrian families, in light of the continuous low temperatures in the liberated north of Syria.

And the new Coronavirus infections are still increasing dramatically in the liberated north of Syria, in conjunction with the inability of the medical sector to prevent the spread and the weakness of the capabilities they have.

Source: Agencies

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