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أخبار سوريا

The National Army takes over two villages near Ain Issa in the northern countryside of Raqqa

Yesterday evening, the Turkish-backed National Army launched an attack on the sites of the Syrian Democratic Forces’ control of the Ain Issa area in the northern countryside of Raqqa.

The military spokesman for the National Army, Major Yusef Hammoud, said today, Friday, that members of the National Army took over of two villages at the northern entrance to Ain Issa last night, indicating that it was “a specific action for purposes that serve a military objective.”

Activists reported that members of the National Army were able to take control of the villages of Al-Jahbel and Al-Musharafa in the Ain Issa region, after violent battles with light and medium weapons between the two parties.

Activists added that the Turkish army has pushed large military reinforcements to the villages of Abu Kharza, Sallum and Rummana, opposite the villages of Hoshan and Khaldiya, adjacent to the M4 road west of Ain Issa, including tanks, heavy artillery, vehicles and four-wheel drive vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns.

Ain Issa is considered a strategic area for the forces deployed east of the Euphrates River, as it is considered a main link and a transportation point between Hasaka and Raqqa on the M4 highway, and it is the most important point in military terms to defend the city of Raqqa.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are constantly trying to infiltrate the liberated areas, whether it is “Peace Spring,” “Euphrates Shield,” or “Olive Branch,” and it is also attributed to detonating bomb-traps between civilians and military personnel in these areas.

These developments came days after the Tal Abyad Military Council announced that an agreement had been reached to establish 3 observation points for the Assad regime and the Syrian Democratic Forces in Ain Issa, north of Raqqa, under Russian supervision

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