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In English

Israeli military official warns of the dangerous situation in the Syrian Golan

The new commander of the northern region in the Israeli army, Uri Gordin, warmed yesterday of the situation in the Syrian Golan region.

Gordin said in an interview with the American “al-Hurrah” website that Tel Aviv will not tolerate and will keep its eyes on the region.

He added that the current calm in Golan may be deceptive and does not reflect the reality of what happens on the ground from our borders with Syria and Lebanon.

The Israeli commander threatened to confront any threat that may face Tel Aviv pointing to the Iranian militias and the Lebanese Hezbollah militias that activate on the Syrian-Israeli border.

The head of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in the Israeli Knesset, Ram Ben-Barak, said on last Thursday that the last attack on Aleppo International Airport is a message to the Assad regime that Iran can’t use the airports to transfer weapons which threaten Israel.

He made it clear that Tel Aviv seeks to thwart Iran’s plan to establish a new militia on its borders, which aims to stand against Tel Aviv.

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