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أخر الأخبار

Çavuşoğlu: We will work with the Assad regime to clear northeastern Syria of “terrorism”

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu confirmed on Wednesday, that Turkey will “clear” the northeastern Syria from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Çavuşoğlu said in an interview that “Turkey will work with the Assad regime to clear the area from the Syrian Democratic Forces regardless of the countries that support them.

Çavuşoğlu claimed that Turkey will cooperate with the Assad regime to clear the region from the “terrorist” organizations pointing out to the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Çavuşoğlu pointed out that the countries supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces will not be of our interest in this regard, because the presence of these forces threaten our national security.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced earlier that Turkey’s plan to establish 30 kilometer-deep-safe zone inside the Syrian territories, in order to achieve security and stability in the region.

Erdogan added that “Turkey will take new steps to fill the gaps in its 30-kilometer-deep security line to completely eliminate the threats it faces in Syria.”

Turkey considers the Syrian Democratic Forces in northeastern Syria a major threat to it, and every now and then Turkey threatens to launch military action against these forces in order to maintain stability and security in the region and secure its borders.

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