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Japan donates US$ 7 million to support Syrian children

UNICEF announced that “Japan has donated US$ 7 million to support Syrian children and their families in the earthquake-affected areas and in the ongoing conflict areas in Syria.”

The Charge d’Affaires and Japanese Special Coordinator for Syria, Hirofumi Miyake, said in press statements: “Japan remains committed to support the children affected by the earthquake and the conflict in Syria and provide them with clean water, sanitation, hygiene, and educational services.”

Miyake added that “Through this contribution, we aim not only to address the emergency situation but also the long-term needs, which enables more children in Syria to access basic services for their lives.”

UNICEF website pointed out that “The partnership with Japan will work to ensure that children have access to safe educational environments by rehabilitating schools and temporary learning places, providing informal education for out-of-school children and children at risk of dropping out of education, and building the capacities of teachers and teaching staff.”

Japan has previously donated $5.1 million to enhance access to basic social services in Syria and to support vulnerable children and families. Japan will also provide them with better access to education opportunities, primary health care system, and skill-building services.

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