In English

US Ambassador: Assad regime and Russia hinder aid delivery into Syria

US Ambassador, Thomas Greenfield, said at the UN Security Council: “Assad regime and Russia have been obstructing the UN efforts of humanitarian operations in Syria for more than a decade, which leads to humanitarian crisis in al-Rukban camp in eastern Syria.”

Greenfield’s remarks came during a UN Security Council Briefing on Syria.

Greenfield added: “Assad regime has prevented UN access to thousands of displaced civilians in Rukban camp for four years and left them at the edge of disaster, which appears to be closer than ever before.”

Greenfield emphasized that “Assad regime must stop stalling regarding this issue, engaging in the Constitutional Committee, and cooperating with the UN requests to open commercial access to Rukban camp.”

Greenfield pointed out that “after a few days, the Assad regime’s arrangement with the UN regarding cross-border aid access through Bab Al-Hawa crossing in north-west Syria is set to expire.”

Greenfield noted that “It is cruel to force the Syrians in northwest Syria to wonder every few months whether they will be able to access foods and other life-saving goods.”

Greenfield “urged to ensure access to the planning and efficiency needed by donors and United Nations partners.”

Greenfield concluded her speech by saying: “In this dangerous period, it is important that we all work to reduce tensions and avoid escalation in Syria and neighboring countries.”

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