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The Democrats present Donald Trump’s indictment to the Parliament

Democratic deputies have formally filed an indictment of President Donald Trump in Congress seeking to impeach him in parliament.

The bill accuses Trump of “inciting rebellion,” and says that he “practically encouraged violence” at the events at Congress headquarters last Wednesday.

The document indicates that a number of allegations were made by Trump, including that the elections were “stolen” from him, and that he was the real winner in the 2020 elections.

Representatives also submitted a draft resolution to Vice President Mike Pence calling for the activation of Article 25 of the Constitution that enables Trump to be removed from office without being held accountable in parliament.

The Democrats’ move, which requires the council’s consensus on it, met with the objection of the West Virginia Republican, which made the decision on the list pass through debate, and possibly a vote on Tuesday.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned state security services of planned violence by the extreme right on Sunday, according to US media.
The members of the organization also call to “storm” the courts and administrative buildings in the states, the day before Joe Biden’s inauguration, next Wednesday, and the same day.

The Bureau of Investigation is currently reviewing more than 40,000 communications from the public, after the office requested assistance in identifying those involved in the riots at Congress.

Source: BBC Arabic

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