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In English

Erdogan announces the start of preparing a new constitution for Turkey in the next stage

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after chairing a government meeting in the Presidential Complex in Ankara, announced yesterday, Monday, that he will start preparing a new constitution for Turkey in the next stage, if an understanding is reached with the MHP.

Erdogan explained that the government will start taking the necessary steps in parliament regarding legislative issues and in the presidency regarding administrative issues, and pointed out that the near announcement of a comprehensive study of the reform package that includes its philosophy and goals.

He added, “We can move to prepare a new constitution in the next stage if we reach an understanding with our partner in the People’s Alliance (the National Movement Party),” and stressed the need for “constitution drafting to be transparent, and to be presented to the appreciation of the people.”

Erdogan stressed that the government “is working day and night in order to serve the people, enhance its prosperity, stability and security, and protect Turkey’s regional and global interests,” noting that it is making “intensive preparations in all fields in order to create a strong Turkey for the future.”

He pointed out that Turkey for years in the past stayed away from global political and economic changes, and paid a heavy price for its surrender to the status quo, stressing that Ankara will implement its own initiatives regarding global political and economic changes and will reach its goals.

He added, “In this context, we had begun some time ago to prepare packages of legal and economic reforms, and the drafts of these prepared reforms will take their final form after being evaluated with the National Movement Party, the Justice and Development Party’s partner in the People’s Alliance.”

He said, “So we had previously presented an initiative to draft a new constitution, but we did not reach a conclusion to reject the (opposition) Republican People’s Party, and now the time has come again to discuss a new constitution for Turkey.”

Erdogan pointed out that “drafting a constitution is not an act that can be done in secret and under the shadow of groups associated with terrorist organizations, and with the names of their minds and hearts separate from their homeland.”

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