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In English

Russian warplanes strike the western outskirts of Idlib city

Yesterday, Saturday evening, Russian warplanes launched two air strikes on the western outskirts of the city of Idlib, in continuation of the violation of the ceasefire agreement, but no injuries were reported.

The correspondent of Fresh Online said that the revolutionary factions targeted, on Sunday, the sites of the Assad regime forces in the fortress of Shalf in Jabal Al-Akrad, north of Lattakia.

About ten days ago, Russian warplanes launched air strikes on the Sheikh Bahr area, west of Idlib, on the outskirts of the town of Armanaz, and near the village of korkania in the northern countryside of Idlib, which led to two wounded people in Korkania.

The villages and towns of the southern countryside of Idlib are exposed on a daily basis to artillery and missile strikes by the Assad regime forces, leaving civilian casualties and injuries, in addition to material damage in the homes and properties of civilians.

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