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In English

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry receives an invitation from Russia to participate in Astana 15

Yesterday, Saturday, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it had received an official invitation from Russia to participate in the 15th summit of the “Astana” conference, on resolving the Syrian crisis, 3 days before it was held.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said, in a statement, that it had received from the Russian ambassador to Baghdad, Maxim Maximov, an official invitation to participate in the conference, as an observer, noting that the conference will be held in the Russian city of Sochi, during the period between February 16-17.

The ministry emphasized “the convergence of Iraqi and Russian views towards ways to solve the Syrian issue, and the need to find a political solution to it,” without declaring its participation in the summit or not.

In a joint statement on the 29th of last month, the three guarantor countries for the Astana track on Syria announced that the fifteenth international summit would be held in the Russian city of Sochi on February 16-17.

The three countries affirmed their readiness to support the work of the committee through its continuous communication with the Syrian delegates and with the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Syria, Geir Pedersen, to ensure that the committee works in a sustainable and effective manner.

Source: Agencies

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