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Messages sent by Idlib health cadres as part of the protest against the “elections” in Syria

Yesterday, Sunday, workers in the Idlib Health Directorate carried out a protest in front of the city’s Health Directorate, “in opposition to the presidential elections that the Assad regime intends to hold this year.”

In an exclusive interview with Fresh, Dr. Salem Abdan, Idlib Health Director, commenting on the workers ’pause said:“ This pause was organized by the Idlib Health Directorate in refusal to recognize this criminal regime and Bashar al-Assad, and affirming our revolutionary constants, and that the messages that we wanted to deliver through this pause, that
The illegality of this criminal regime, and its place in the International Criminal Court and not in the presidential elections.

Imad Zahran, Director of the Media Office in the Idlib Health Directorate, explained to Fresh that the health personnel and workers in the Idlib Health Directorate carried out a protest “in rejection of the elections that the Assad regime intends to hold during the coming period with the aim of giving Bashar al-Assad some of his lost legitimacy.”

He added: “During this pause, we called on civilians living in areas controlled by the Assad regime not to participate in those elections, because their participation means the continuation of this regime’s crimes against civilians in the liberated areas. We also called on the international community not to recognize these elections, because they lack any legitimacy, and state recognition of the results.

Those elections, whose results are known in advance, means their participation and coverage of the genocide that the Assad regime has carried out and is still implementing against civilians.

And he added: “The Idlib Health Directorate is considered a revolutionary civil institution, and we find it our duty to raise our voice against the farce of the elections that the Assad regime and its allies intend to organize, and the Assad regime, which destroyed hospitals and health points, cannot have the slightest legitimacy that would allow it to hold presidential or non-presidential elections.”

Ghanem Khalil, director of public relations at Idlib Health, told Fresh that the protest stand by the medical staff in Idlib governorate “came as part of an illegal campaign for the Assad elections.” He added, “We view Bashar al-Assad as responsible for destroying Syria and killing civilians with internationally prohibited weapons such as weapons.
Chemicals and others, as Bashar al-Assad cannot be the president of a future Syria by holding farcical elections.

Khalil added: “We call on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards the crimes of the Assad regime, and the truth is that there are no practical steps for the international community despite the proven use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime forces in many locations in Syria, and we hope the international community will take serious steps towards Bashar al-Assad.

And transfer him to the International Criminal Court to receive his punishment ”.
Bashar al-Assad’s “presidential” term ends this summer, 7 years after the last farcical elections he held in his areas of control. The Assad regime’s announcement of holding presidential elections this year was met with widespread local opposition, as elections do not enjoy the legitimacy of all Syrians.

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