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In English

The Qatari Foreign Minister confirms his country’s support for the political solution efforts in Syria

The Qatari Foreign Minister, Muhammad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, during his meeting with the President of the National Coalition, Nasr Al-Hariri, and the Prime Minister of the Interim Government, Abdul Rahman Moustafa, affirmed his country’s support for international efforts aimed at reaching a political solution in Syria.

According to the Qatar News Agency, the Qatari minister renewed the State of Qatar’s steadfast support for the international efforts aimed at reaching a political solution in Syria on the basis of the first Geneva Declaration of 2012, and the relevant Security Council resolutions, especially Resolution 2254, in a manner that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people for security, stability and preservation the unit of its territory.

Nasr al-Hariri said in a tweet on Twitter that during the meeting, they discussed the latest political developments in Syria and ways of cooperation and advancing the political process to achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people.

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