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In English

13 new cases of Corona virus were recorded in northwestern Syria

The Early Warning Network recorded 13 new cases of Coronavirus in northwestern Syria, yesterday, Monday, bringing the number of registered infections to 22046.

The network stated that 10 new cases of infection were recorded in the countryside of Aleppo (6 in Afrin, 3 in Al-Bab, 1 in Jabal Samaan), and Idlib governorate recorded three cases (1 in Idlib city, 1 in Harem, 1 in Jisr Al-Shughour).

The network recorded 46 recoveries, 44 of which were recorded in the countryside of Aleppo (19 in Afrin, 1 in Jarablus, 4 in Al-Bab, 19 in Azaz, 1 in Mount Samaan), and Idlib governorate recorded two cure cases (1 in Harem, 1 in Idlib). So the total number of recovery in northwestern Syria rose to 20061, and the network did not record any new death from the Coronavirus, leaving the death toll to 655.

The epidemiological surveillance laboratory of the Early Warning Network Program stated that it had conducted 425 analyzes of the Corona virus, bringing the number of analyzes that it carried out to 123554 in northern Syria.

The vaccination campaign against the Corona virus continues on its fourth day, today, Tuesday, in Idlib Governorate, northwestern Syria, to vaccinate medical personnel working in it, civil defense volunteers and humanitarian workers, under the supervision of the Syria Vaccine Team.

Dr. Yasser Nagib, the technical official of the Covid 19 vaccine campaign, had explained to Fresh that the vaccination campaign against the Corona virus will work from Monday with 82 teams, and the vaccination campaign will continue over a period of 21 days to cover all health facilities.

On Saturday morning, May 1, 2021, the Coronavirus vaccination campaign was launched in Idlib Governorate, where the vaccination team visited the Ibn Sina Hospital for Children in Idlib, to vaccinate the medical personnel working in it.

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