Europe: we Help speed up the asylum procedure for Cyprus
The Executive Director of the European Asylum Support Office, Nina Gregory, said: “Last year, Cyprus received 7,440 asylum-seekers from Syria, and granted subsidiary protection to 1,530 applicants, 93 percent of whom were Syrians.”
Gregory added that Europe helped speed up the asylum procedure for Cyprus and supported the authorities by deploying 157 staff.
She emphasized that the European Asylum Support Office, through its staff, provided absolute cooperation and support to the Administrative Court for International Protection in Cyprus, which is the competent authority to consider the appeals of asylum seekers whose application for international protection was rejected.
Gregory said, during a previous visit to Cyprus, that the main challenge that Cyprus faces with regard to immigration is the increasing number of asylum seekers, pointing out that in recent years it has ranked first or second in the proportion of asylum applications per capita, “according to the population,
The number of asylum seekers was really high.”
Source: agencies